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PROJECT //  02
PROJECT //  01


The Cybernetic Car Rental System (AR System) is able to handle car reservations, customer billing, and car monitoring. When a customer reserves a car, he/she can use online reservation on our Website or Android application to make a general reservation. The system must be able to look for the matched available car in Car Database and form a new reservation in Reservation Data Base.

If the customer makes reservation in person i.e. (he/she comes to the company directly/ manually), the assistant of rental company is able to access the customer data base, car data base, and reservation data base internally and make a reservation for the customer on the website.

After the each reservation is made, the corresponding car will be shown as unavailable in car database. So that those renting online cannot lease or rent it again.

When the customer picks up the car, the assistant can access the customer’s reservation record with the reservation number customer provided. The customer and the assistant are able to complete the rental lease using the system. After the completion of the rental lease, the new lease will be recorded in customer data base. (Each lease is directly related to customer’s billing information.) Then the system will print out a car rental card (internally used in the company).

The customer obtains the key of the car from Technician of the rental company with the car rental card. After the customer checks the status of the car and accept the car and signs manually, the Technician is able to use Cybernetic system to update the car data base that the corresponding car is “in-rental” status. Then the corresponding rental lease status is updated as “1/3 completion”.

When the customer returns the car, the technician will check the status of the car. A damage report and a miles report will be made with the Cybernetic Car Rental (CCR) system. The damage report will be directly related to reservation database and customer’s billing information. And the miles report will update the reservation database. And the corresponding rental lease status is updated as “2/3 completion”.

CCR system is able to print out a bill. If the customer pays the bill, the transaction will be completed immediately. After the customer pays the bill, the “rental lease status” is updated as “Full completion”. If the customer’s corporation pays the bill for the customer, the system will send the bill to the corporation where customer works for. The “rental lease status” will not be “Full completion” until the rental company has receive the payments.

CCR has a monitoring system embedded inside its cars. This system consists of the auino controller, GPS and other components. The GPS will be sending two parameters the longitude and latitude parameters. These will help in the monitoring of the location of the cars within dedicated boundaries


This report details the industrial training undertaken at Uganda police force from June to August. The objectives of the industrial training included;

  • To translate class theories taught into practical/practice.

  • To enable me to gain hands on experience while working with real established systems.

  • To give me an opportunity to out important ideas that can help the organization am training.

During this training, I covered the following;

IT support; I was able to learn how to troubleshoot a computer, installing and repairing any windows xp OS (additionally any other OS), how to create a work group and how to back up data,

 System development; this involved front and back end processes. The front end process involved designing the system-user interfaces while the back end process involved creating the system database that was linked to the interfaces.

website development; which clarified the types and categories of websites (static and dynamic) plus the necessary soft ware’s and languages used to design the websites for example html, java, php, MySQL, css, JavaScript and c#. I used integrated developing environments like wamp_server, notepad++, sublime text, macromedia Dreamweaver. I used additional libraries to help me like Mpdf, graph creators, jQuery, and many others. In this, I was instructed by my field supervisor to design a website for the IT directorate, which I did.

 Hardware and software maintenance; where I learnt more on installing operating system, windows server 2008, SQL server 2008, WAMP servers, oracle and many others.

Network administration;

I have leant how to administer internet to different areas and how to use different networking equipment e.g. Routers, Switch, Ethernet Cables, Phone cables and many others.

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